Get the most out of your technology investment with transformative integrated business IT solutions that enable you to achieve essential business goals and seize valuable opportunities for growth.ensure the campaign is successful.

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What IS SaaS & Cloud Means? SaaS is a new model of how software is delivered. SaaS refers to soft-ware that is accessed via a web browser and is paid on a subscription basis .The term “cloud” simply means that your software, data and related infrastructure are hosted remotely via the Internet.

The right cloud ERP solution will help a business streamline administration, reduce costs, and optimize operations. Macob's web-based ERP is developed specifically for small and mid-sized businesses and is delivered in the software as a service (SaaS) model.

HRMS Solutions features

What we are referring to here is the Software as a Service (SaaS) model that has transformed the way millions of organizations manage their human resource functions today.

Personnel Information Management (PIM) | User Roles and Approval management | Leave Management | Time & Attendance Management | Employee Self-Service Portal and dashboard | Loans, Deductions and Advance Management | Payroll and Personnel Reports | Recruitment & Performance & Training | Employees Document Manager | Benefits Management | Entitlements | Final Settlement | WPS (Wages Protection System)